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Showing posts from September, 2019


   Often, in cases involving children, emotions are on high.  For parents, children are the highest priority when a marriage is dissolving.  I am often asked how to best protect and shield children from the rigors and emotional upheaval that comes with divorce.  The answer is simple.  Maintain a healthy and supportive relationship with the child's other parent.  Children thrive the best when they are secure in the idea that their bond with their parents will remain intact, even if the bond between the parents severs.    When custody cases proceed to court, it often happens that everyone leaves unhappy.  This is not necessarily a function of the legal minds involved.  Although it is true that an inexperienced lawyer can position his or her client to fail, it is also true, in my experience, that when children are involved, even in the face of less than stellar legal maneuvering, judges and courts want very much to see that children...